Google Sheets
This snippet provides a function to send IoT data to Google Sheets.
Resources used: HTTPS x 1
The send_sheets
function can be used to POST the passed string 'payload' to Google Sheets according to the specified 'parameters' using an Access Token, over HTTPS. The Access Token can be retrieved by the getAccessToken
function using a Service Account Email and Private Key. The result (error/response) is then passed to the callback function.
To start using this snippet, SERVICE_ACCOUNT
(Service Account with permissions to, PRIVATE_KEY
(Private Key linked to the provided Service Account), and CA
are required to be configured by the user.
NOTE: The provided function can handle data sizes up to 4KB. To handle larger data sizes, please refer to divided writing for https objects in the neqto.js documentation.
Click here to learn how to get a CA.
var CA = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n...<CA>...\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----"
// The following configuration are MANDATORY. Set by user.
// The email address of the service account created on Google Cloud Platform that has permission to use ``.
// eg. '<service_account_name>@<gcp_project_id>'
// A generated private key for the Service Account from Google Cloud Platform.
// eg. '-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n...<PRIVATE_KEY>...\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----'
// The ID of the Spreadsheet to append data to.
// eg. '<SPREADSHEET_ID>/edit#gid=0'
// Public certificate of the certificate authority that signed the Google API server certificate for SSL/TLS handshake.
// eg. '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n...<CA>...\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----'
var CA = '<YOUR_CA>';
* Get Access Token from Google Sheets using Service Account email by JWT assertion.
* @function getAccessToken
* @param {object} sessionInfo - Information about the session, as an Object.
* @param {number} tokenTimeout - Amount of time (in seconds) to generate a valid JWT for before it expires, as a Number.
* @param {function} callback - User callback to return the result (error/response).
* @returns {undefined}
var getAccessToken = function (sessionInfo, tokenTimeout, callback) {
// Make JWT for assertion
var created = Math.ceil((new Date()).getTime() / 1000);
var claim = {
"iss": SA_EMAIL,
"scope": '',
"aud": '',
"iat": created,
"exp": created + parseInt(tokenTimeout)
var hdrB64 = secure.base64Encode('{"alg":"RS256","typ":"JWT"}').replace(/=/g, ""); // 'eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9'
var claimB64 = secure.base64Encode(JSON.stringify(claim)).replace(/=/g, "");
var stringSign = hdrB64 + "." + claimB64;
var signature = secure.signDigest(PRIVATE_KEY);
var sigB64 = secure.base64Encode(signature).replace(/=/g, "").replace(/\+/g, "-").replace(/\//g, "_");
var JWT = hdrB64 + "." + claimB64 + "." + sigB64;
var options = {
"method": 'POST',
"host": '',
"path": `/token?grantType=urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer&assertion=${JWT}`,
"headers": {
"Content-type": 'application/json',
"Content-Length": '0'
"ca": CA
var request = https.request(options, function (response) {
response.on('end', function () {
var resBody =;
if (response.statusCode == 200) { // 200 - OK
var resBodyObj = JSON.parse(resBody);
sessionInfo.accessToken = resBodyObj.access_token;
callback(null, { "statusCode": response.statusCode, "statusMessage": response.statusMessage, "body": resBody });
request.on('error', function () {
callback({ "errCode": request.errCode }, null);
request.end(function () {
print("[request] SUCCESS");
* Append values to Google Sheets spreadsheet range using an Access Token.
* @function send_sheets
* @param {object} sessionInfo - Information about the session, as an Object.
* @param {string} parameters - Query parameters for the request, as an Object.
* @param {object} payload - Range in A1 format to append to, and the corresponding values in ValueRange format, as an Object.
* @param {function} callback - User callback to return the result (error/response).
* @returns {undefined}
var send_sheets = function (sessionInfo, parameters, payload, callback) {
var body = JSON.stringify(payload);
var query_parameters = Object.keys(parameters).map(function (key) {
return `${encodeURIComponent(key)}=${encodeURIComponent(parameters[key])}`;
var options = {
"method": 'POST',
"host": '',
"path": `/v4/spreadsheets/${SPREADSHEET_ID}/values/${payload["range"]}:append?${query_parameters}`,
"headers": {
"Authorization": `Bearer ${sessionInfo.accessToken}`,
"Content-Type": 'application/json',
"Content-Length": body.length.toString()
"ca": CA
var request = https.request(options, function (response) {
response.on('end', function () {
callback(null, { "statusCode": response.statusCode, "statusMessage": response.statusMessage, "body": });
request.on('error', function () {
callback({ "errCode": request.errCode }, null);
request.end(body, function () {
print("[request] SUCCESS");
Function Usage Example
The following example script uses the send_sheets
function to continuously send data to the set Google Sheets spreadsheet at regular intervals, and re-fetches the token using the getAccessToken
function when it expires.
log.setLevel(-1); //-1:NONE 0:ERROR 1:WARNING 2:DEBUG 3:TRACE
log.printLevel(2); //0:DISABLE 1:LOG 2:CONSOLE 3:BOTH
* Callback to fetch error/response from the request.
* @function callback
* @param {object} err - Error returned if the request failed. Has one property - `errCode`.
* @param {object} data - Response returned by a successfully completed request. Has three properties - `statusCode`, `statusMessage`, and `body`.
var callback = function (err, data) {
if (err) {
print("[error]", err.errCode);
} else {
print("[status]", data.statusCode, data.statusMessage);
print("[response]", data.body);
* Object to store any session related information.
* @enum sessionInfo
* @property {string} accessToken - Access token to authorize API requests.
var sessionInfo = {
"accessToken": ''
var parameters = {
"valueInputOption": 'USER_ENTERED', /* 'USER_ENTERED', 'RAW', 'USER_ENTERED' */
"insertDataOption": 'INSERT_ROWS', /* 'INSERT_ROWS', 'OVERWRITE' */
"includeValuesInResponse": true, /* true, false */
"responseDateTimeRenderOption": 'SERIAL_NUMBER' /* 'SERIAL_NUMBER', 'FORMATTED_STRING' */
var payload = {
"range": 'A1:D',
"values": [
['Hello', 'from', 'NEQTO', 'Device'],
// A mutex to limit the active HTTP requests.
var lock = false;
while (1) {
if (!lock) { // wait for the lock to release
lock = true; // lock
if (sessionInfo.accessToken) {
print("[info] send_sheets()");
send_sheets(sessionInfo, parameters, payload, function (err, data) {
callback(err, data);
if (data.statusCode == 401) sessionInfo.accessToken = ''; // 401 - Unauthorized
lock = false; // unlock
setTimeout(60000).wait(); // wait for 60 seconds
else {
print("[info] getAccessToken()");
getAccessToken(sessionInfo, 3600, function (err, data) {
callback(err, data);
lock = false; // unlock
setTimeout(10000).wait(); // wait for 10 seconds